If Jesus was God, why then was he afraid to die?

The gospels contain an account of the time the disciples and Jesus spent in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before Jesus was arrested. In the garden Jesus prayed to his Father three times, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will”—Matthew 26:39. …

In the Bible, does it ever state how angels were created? Were they created by God?

Trying to determine when God created the angels is somewhat tricky because anything God did “before the foundation of the world” puts the event outside of time itself. Time and space are characteristics of our world, not God’s. He is not limited by hours, days, and years as we are. In fact, the Bible tells us that “But, …

How long would it have taken Israel to get to the promise land?

“Wilderness wandering” refers to the plight of the Israelites due to their disobedience and unbelief. Nearly 3,500 years ago, the Lord delivered His people from Egyptian bondage as described in Exodus, chapters 1–12. They were to take possession of the land God had promised their forefathers, a land “flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8). …

What does the Bible say about living together before marriage?

This question could be much more easily answered if the Bible made a clear proclamation such as “living together before marriage or outside of marriage is living in sin.” Since the Bible makes no such definitive statement, many (including some who profess to be Christians) claim that living together outside of marriage is not living in sin. …

What is the prophecy in the Old Testament about the 70 weeks in Daniel 9:24?

The “seventy weeks” prophecy is one of the most significant and detailed Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. It is found in Daniel 9. The chapter begins with Daniel praying for Israel, acknowledging the nation’s sins against God and asking for God’s mercy. As Daniel prayed, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him a …

Why is the Biblical view of Nephilim a negative one?

The Nephilim (“fallen ones, giants”) were the offspring of sexual relationships between the sons of God and daughters of men in Genesis 6:1–4. There is much debate as to the identity of the “sons of God.” The “sons of God” were fallen angels (demons) who mated with human females or possessed human males who then mated with human females. These …

What Bible text tells us Sabbath was moved from Saturday to Sunday?

The Lord’s Day in this context, is Sunday rather than the Sabbath, which was previously observed on Saturday’s (Exodus 20:8-11). God gives the commandment to establish Saturday as the day of rest, however, in the New Testament, the church and all the people rested and began to worship on the first day of the week, which is Sunday. …

If the Bible doesn’t talk much about angels then where does all of the angelic information come from?

Angels are discussed in the Bible accounts, Angels are personal spiritual beings who have intelligence beyond humans, strength beyond human capacity, emotions, and will. This is true of both the good and evil angels (demons). Angels possess intelligence (Matthew 8:29; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Peter 1:12), show emotion (Luke 2:13; James 2:19; Revelation 12:17), and …

Where in the Bible does it say not to eat meat on Friday?

Catholics practice various acts of penitence and spiritual self-discipline during Lent, the (approximately) forty days leading up to Easter. One of those disciplines is a fast that requires Catholics to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. The rule is based on the authority of the Church, not on the authority of Scripture. The rule …

Why is the King James version of the Bible named thus?

The King James Version of the Bible is also called the Authorized Version, because the translation was authorized by King James I of England. The preface of the KJV dedicates the work “To the most High and Mighty Prince James, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the …