What do you know about the Holy Land?

The Holy Land, or Israel, is a revered location for many faiths, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Holy Land includes Jerusalem, the Western Wall, the Jordan River, the Mount of Olives, Bethlehem, Masada, and the Dome of the Rock. Visitors to the Holy Land explore the ancient towns and destinations such as Gethsemane, the …

What was myrrh used for in Jesus’ time?

Myrrh was also a product of Arabia, and was obtained from a tree in the same manner as frankincense. It was a spice and was used in embalming. It was also sometimes mingled with wine to form an article of drink. Such a drink was given to Jesus when He was about to be crucified, …

How was the dating of the Mishnah determined?

The Mishnah is the oral law in Judaism, as opposed to the written Torah, or the Mosaic Law. The Mishnah was collected and committed to writing about AD 200, dated by textual analysis, a methodology that involves understanding language, symbols, and/or pictures present in texts to gain information regarding how people understand and communicate life …

Is it a mainstream view in Judaism that Aaron’s tomb is located in what is now Jordan?

“Aaron shall be gathered unto his people: for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye rebelled against my word at the water of Meribah. Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor: And strip Aaron of his garments, and …

Are Canticles Biblical?

The word canticle is Latin in origin and simply means “little song.” In Latin versions of the Bible, the Song of Solomon (also expressed as the Song of Songs based on the opening verse) is called Canticle of Canticles. Canticles are biblical. They are songs derived from biblical texts other than the book of Psalms. Canticles are …

What is the era of the Transfiguration?

The era of the transfiguration was AD 33 or 33 CE during the last few weeks of Jesus’ life, prior to the crucifixion. Jesus began preaching and gathering followers around CE 28–29. According to the three synoptic gospels Jesus continued preaching for at least one year, and according to John the Evangelist for three years. …

Why did it take the Israelites 40 years to travel from Egypt to Canaan?

“And the Lord said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them?” Numbers 14:11. Moses interceded for his people and turned away the wrath of God (Numbers 14:13-20). Although God did forgive them, He decided …

What empire were the Syriac Christians of Iraq from?

The short answer is Pisidian Antioch and Syrian Antioch. Antioch of Syria, also known as Antioch on the Orontes River, was the third-largest city in the Roman Empire. Only Rome in Italy and Alexandria in Egypt were larger. Syrian Antioch (current-day Antakya, Turkey) was situated on the Orontes River about 20 miles inland from the …

Is there evidence to the name of the person who wrote “Malachi” the last book of the Old Testament?

The Biblical evidence is in the account of Malachi Chapter One itself, which identifies the author of the Book of Malachi as the Prophet Malachi. “The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.” Malachi 1:1 The Book was written between 440 and 400 B.C. The Book of Malachi is an oracle: its the …

Are the Israelites mentioned in ancient Egyptian scriptures? Why the hatred towards Ishmaelite’s?

The Ma’arat Writings, written in hieroglyphics, were meant to put a curse on the enemies of Egypt. They were written in the 18th and 19th centuries B.C., on small statues of prisoners or on bowls. The name “Rashlemum” (Jerusalem) is mentioned on some of them. In the middle of the 2nd millenium B.C.E. the King …